Publications of the Abarth Works Museum

The Abarth Works Museum is known all over the world. This is not our pride exceeding itself, this is just a fact. In magazines around the globe, Guy Moerenhout and his extraordinary collection have been mentioned, praising both the value of such a collection as well as the knowledge that has been gathered over the years. From the very beginning, we have been collecting these magazines in order to create a full bibliography of the Abarth Works Museum, presented to you on this page.

How to download?

Want to save an article on your own computer or print it to hang it on a wall? No problem.

  • When you click on one of the covers, the article will open automatically in a new tab.
  • Click on the little download button on the right top of the page, allowing you to download the document and save it on your desktop.

Enjoy the reading!